
My Little Brother's and Sister's Birthday Party | Chase

Tuesday, 29 March 2016
I cannot believe that my brother and sister turned two on Saturday 19th March!
Unfortunately I didn't get to see them on their birthday as I had work all day but we had an afternoon tea party for them the day after. 
It was such a cute party which you'll see from the photos below and they got some really nice, thoughtful gifts too. 
Sorry that I haven't been posting recently, I have just been under pressure with trying to get all my university work done before I jet off to America, it's just under 7 weeks until I leave now!

These are the most magnificent gifts I've ever seen, perfect for toddlers and children!

The cake went down very nicely! Ronnie's cake was strawberry jam and cream, and Matilda's cake was lemon cake. 
Cake takeaway bags!

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